His bright smile glimmers like a comedian's bowtie.
Uramametchi is a true mischief-maker at heart, but he's by no means the malicious sort of tama. His one goal in life is to spread selfless joy to everyone through the art of entertainment, and Uramametchi shows it best through jokes and harmless pranks. His extroverted and daring personality hides a soft inside, however - Uramametchi also has a caring soul, and loves helping out at the egg nursery in town. When he finds Sakuramotchi wandering the plains he doesn't even consider not taking her under his wing. He's also distant acquaintances with Pochitchi.
The blue hue of his skin is a rare genetic trait, and originates from tamagotchi in the "Ura" category of species, who's eggs rise up to the surface from deep within in the planet's soil. His species is also distantly related to the tail-less Mametchi line, though if you ask him he's never seen the resemblance.