Calm, cool, collected, stretchy - what else could you need?
A private, yet lax type, Takotchi considers himself a shoulder to rely on to those who need it. As the Gotchi King's second-most important Royal Advisor - tied only to the other Royal Advisor, and dear friend Kuchipatchi -, Takotchi rolls with the punches in the busy day-to-day life of helping out the monarchy. While most would assume such a well-spoken guy would think logically, this would be incorrect! Takotchi thinks with his heart first and foremost, and likes to keep an open-mind about even the strangest of things.
Speaking of adaptability, Takotchi's four limbs can not only stretch to an impressive length, but cling on tightly to almost any surface - slippery or stone! Additionally, there's been rumours floating about that his bent ear can also act as a periscope...?!