Happy, loud, and loving - the antithesis of a cat.
A pure optimist who's perpetual smile may scare off others due to its brightness rivaling the sun's. Outspoken and affectionate, even unintentionally. Ends her sentences with "nya". She's a purring machine, and unlike Pochitchi, she fully accepts her funkier traits in stride. While Nyatchi's got claws, she doesn't like using them - she'll hiss when neccessary. Her fur puffs up when she's scared or angry, and her tail even works as a third arm in certain cases. Perfect for sewing jumpers (the likes of which Nyatchi has many) for younger tamagotchi, and playing instruments, and Nyatchi loves herself some percussion - although tamagotchis haven't really invented proper musical instruments yet. She and Mimitchi have been trying to for years now.
A dear friend to many, and a blessing on this Earth - or is it Tamagotchi Planet, in this case? Either way, it's impossible to hate Nyatchi.